Pregnancy & Postpartum Care Tips

Read these 18 Pregnancy & Postpartum Care Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Womens Health tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

What The Right Supplements Don't Have #2

Many micro-nutrients, like folic acid, vitamin B-12, selenium, chromium and biotin are used in such small amounts that the only way to disperse them evenly in a large batch of nutritional mix is by first spraying them on a carrier. Such carriers are usually di-calcium phosphate (a rock hard mineral compound), sugars, or baby laxatives, legally, these ingredients are not required to be listed on labels, because they are considered parts of the nutrients that are sprayed on them.

What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

Mother to Be: The Right Supplements

As an expectant or new mother, you don't want to worry about whether or not your supplements contain ingredients that might harm your fetus, your child, or you. And, as long as your supplements are the right supplements, you won't have to. So, for the ultimate in natal nutrition, step up to Mother to Be, while you're pregnant and to Mother & Child upon deliver. They're the cleanest, purest, most energetic, and most healthful natal multiples ever offered. And, as with all Pure Essence products, they are guaranteed to your complete satisfaction.

Can I take up cycling as an aerobic workout?

Bicycling During Pregnancy

While it is good that cycling is a low-impact aerobic exercise, you will still need to take care when cycling while pregnant. Your center of gravity will begin to shift starting around four months gestation, causing balance problems.You should ride in such a manner as to avoid sharp turns and tricky maneuvering.

What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

What The Right Supplements Don't Have #3

Because raw materials suppliers do not stock micro-nutrients without these types of carriers, Pure Essence Labs makes their own, so that they can he certain that not even a trace of what they consider to he nutritionally negative materials is present. The same care is taken with other ingredients.

Recommended Pre-Natal Vitamins

Mother & Child – Eating for Two

DURING PREGNANCY MOTHER TO BE” IS MOST CERTAINLY EATING FOR TWO. She needs extra nutrients, but must be careful not to overload tissues in the developing child, Thus, the potencies of vitamins and minerals in pre-natal nutrition should be smaller than in general multiples. This should be balanced with higher levels of whole foods.

Why are dietary supplements Important?

Importance of Supplements #2

The efficiency of metabolic reactions is limited by the amount of energy that is available to cells, and by the health of the cells themselves. The energy available to cells depends on the quality of foods we eat, and on the presence of vitamins and minerals, which activate enzyme systems that liberate energy from foods. The cells themselves can be damaged by dehydration, glycation, free radical oxidation and so on. We can avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of pure water, and diminish glycation by avoiding processed carbohydrates. White we cannot prevent all free radical damage, it can he minimized (and even reversed) with anti-oxidant nutrients. Maximum protection however requires an incredibly wide variety of such nutrients.

Looking for exercise guidelines during pregnancy?

Guidelines for exercise

Seven exercise guidelines are: exercise heart rate: No greater that 140 bpm, strenuous activity: no more than 15 min,positions: No supine after 4 months(avoid Valsalva maneuvers), diet: Caloric intake needs to be adequate to meet needs.

Why are dietary supplements Important?

Importance of Supplements #3

Because modern foods do not provide the nutrients we need for maximum metabolic
efficiency, The Journal of the American Medical Association recommends that all Americans use a multiple nutrient supplement every day. Research shows that such supplements improve health, reduce colds and flu, and help prevent serious disease.

What should be the focus of fitness during pregnancy ?

Safe exercise

The goal of exercise both before and during pregnancy, as well as during the postpartum period, should be to maintain the highest level of fitness consistent with maximum safety.

Why are dietary supplements Important?

Importance of Supplements #1

, the human body is busy conducting more than one million different types of metabolic reactions. These reactions control digestion,
immune response) hormone production, pH balance, the five senses and every other
aspect of human function. What we call ‘health” is simply a reflection of how
efficiently these metabolic reactions occur.

Recommended Pre-Natal Vitamins

More About Mother to Be Supplements

Mother to Be also provides botanicals that have been used to promote healthy pregnancies for centuries in Europe and the United States (German chamomile, raspberry leaves, squawvine and bilberry fruit). Fresh ginger juice is added to improve digestion and help with morning sickness. Bamboo leaf (the world's richest source of organic silica) helps the developing fetus build strong bones.

Mother to Be also provides reishi mushrooms and lycii fruit, two of the worlds most prized tonic herbs. These herbs—which are really foods—have been recommended during pregnancy for thousands of years in Asia. They build strong blood and support virtually all the body's organ systems, so that every type of cellular function is strengthened. Most importantly, they restore the vital “Essence” of the Kidney System (the “energy” we pass onto our children at birth) after delivery. Because of this, they help produce stronger, happier children, while also helping to prevent mothers from being ”drained” during gestation and delivery.

Recommended Pre-Natal Vitamins

Mother to Be Provides...

More whole food value than any other prenatal product ever offered, including 900 mg. of spirulina, 135 mg. of barley grass juice concentrate (equals 4455 mg. of whole food value), 63 nig. of high ORAC (free radical reduction capacity) fruit concentrates (equivalent to over 15500 mg. of whole fruits), and 135 mg. of organic vegetable concentrates (equal to over 4400 mg. of raw vegetables). Thus, over 30,000 mg. of whole food power is present in each day's usage. These foods provide instant energy to cell throughout the body -at the time a woman needs them most—when they are busy doing the work for two.

What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

What The Right Supplements Don't Have #1

The body treats different forms of nutrients in entirely different ways. Calcium carbonate, for example, is poorly absorbed, while calcium citrate is absorbed fairly well. Most nutritional consumers do not understand these finer points, because they have not been trained about how the body treats specific nutritional forms.

How long can my workout last at a stretch?

Exercise guidelines

Exercise at least three times a week is preferable to intermittent activity. Competitive activities should be discouraged. However, in the case of a professional or elite athlete who is already accustomed to training at a high heart rate, it is probable that the pregnant athlete may be able to continue to exercise above the 140 heart rate limit recommended for the general pregnant population. It should be noted that rare cardiovascular complications can also occur in athletes. As a result, warning signs include the appearance of palpations and tachycardia during rest.

What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

The Right Supplements

As an expectant or new mother, you don't want to worry about whether or not your supplements contain ingredients that might harm your fetus, your child, or you. And, as long as your supplements are the right supplements, you won't have to. So, for the ultimate in natal nutrition, step up to Mother to Be, while you're pregnant and to Mother & Child upon deliver. They're the cleanest, purest, most energetic, and most healthful natal multiples ever offered. And, as with all Pure Essence products, they are guaranteed to your complete satisfaction.

Why are dietary supplements Important?

Importance of Supplements #1

, the human body is busy conducting more than one million different types of metabolic reactions. These reactions control digestion,
immune response) hormone production, pH balance, the five senses and every other
aspect of human function. What we call ‘health” is simply a reflection of how
efficiently these metabolic reactions occur.

What areThe Right Kind of Supplements?

The Right Kind of Supplements

Since 1981, however, the best supplements have been fortified with energy packed green foods (spirulina, barley grass juice, kelp, etc). These products have drawn rave reviews from people throughout the country, because their green foods provide vast amounts of energy, so that cells can conduct metabolic reactions more efficiently.

Yet, even these products have
limitations. While they can support healthy cells, they do little to strengthen those that have been damaged by free radicals, Thus, the team that first
developed them (Pat Bailey and Jerry Cochern) never quit working on improvements. Now, they have created the world's first Superior Tonic Multiples, which are light years beyond anything else that has ever been available. Mother to Be and Mother & Child are the only entrants
in the entire field of natal nutrition to provide the cellular strengthening power of Superior Tonic Herbs.

Postpartum & Breastfeeding Supplements

Mother & Child—Recovering While Nursing

At delivery, a woman's body undergoes the most profound change it will ever experience. While pregnancy evolves gradually, the childbirth experience happens in just moments, During the labor leading up to those moments, enormous amounts of Kidney "Essence" are spent.

After delivery, the child is, of course, completely dependent upon the mother for food. Studies show that
children who are breastfed for at least two years do better in virtually every aspect of development than those who are not
. While the quality of any mothers milk is better than store bought replacements, not all milk is created qual.

In order to have the strongest milk possible, and to regain your own strength as quickly and completely as possible, you must consume foods that
restore this Essence. Common table foods simply cannot accomplish this.

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